In the pictures above I was posing on holiday - I wouldn’t normally do yoga in my flip flops!
But that kind of makes a point too. There is a lot of focus on what we look like in yoga, when it has very little to do with that. It started as a meditative practice with very few poses as we know them today. The purpose was to calm the mental and emotional fluctuations of our mind, so we’re able to be absorbed in the present moment and awake to our ‘essence nature’.
There are obvious physical benefits to the practice - stretching, breathing, focus on our bodies - but I don’t think of it as exercise. It brings awareness to the parts that are blocked or out of balance. Then you can work with your body, mind and breath to help to release them by making more space.
I think that strength is equally important to this release. It is often vital following this space opening for the body to be supported by strong and balanced muscles.
When I teach one to one, I focus the session around the needs of your body, having taken a full case history. We go through poses that I think will be beneficial for you, making adjustments as we go. I also email them to you afterwards so you’re able to go through them in your own time.
This can be really helpful if you have a recurring symptom that is mainly due to tension or weakness in certain areas. You may know you need a body focused routine but not know where to start. I can bring my skills of observation and diagnosis to get you going on the right track. Or equally if you’ve been doing yoga for a while but would like me to have a look at your alignment, I’d be more than happy to help.
I’d like to thank my teachers Beth Win for introducing me to a truly embodied way of practicing, and Jim Tarren and Khadine Morcom for their inspirational approach
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